Biomek Guide

Streaming Biomek

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

First Post

Note: This blog will be in a rudimentary form until it proves utility.

Issues of concern for Biomek:

Precision and accuracy have been in question for the Biomek by new Users. It pays to be skeptical, but it's more work. I recently received an email from conerning this issue. Both the 96-channel and the span-8 pod should be tested before the machine is used for aliquoting and dilutions.

The technician detailed the following info concerning the Span-8:

Span-8 Pipettor %CV Precision Accuracy
- 60mm probe 1uL dispense (wet well) 1mL syringe 8% 10%
- 60mm probe 5uL dispense 1mL syringe 4% 6%
- P20 tip 1uL dispense 1mL syringe 6% 7%
- P20 tip 1uL dispense 250uL syringe 6% 7%
- P200 tip 5uL dispense 1mL syringe 4% 6%

96-Multichannel pod

This issue will be verified independently and continuously investigated.

Links to check out:

Pics from my first large scale aliquot:

